Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Now that I've had my first battery of shots I get to go a lot more places. I'm learning how to not climb into Kevin's lap while he's driving; how much fun it is to stick my head out of the window of a moving car; and I'm continuing to meet all sorts of new and interesting people. I've found I really like little humans, boys or girls, it doesn't matter. They are very nice to me and they are littler, like me, and we can play lots more than I can with adults.

My human, Kevin, has started walking me over to a nearby amusement park where we sit on the grass outside the entrance and wait for people to come over to us to fuss over me and give me attention. Kevin says he especially wants me socialized around children so that I can learn to be friendly and gentle to them, and so far it's not a problem. I love to lick their faces and cuddle up to them.

Meanwhile everyone keeps commenting on how fast I'm growing. Kevin says you can almost see it on a daily basis. I'm already more than twice as big as I was when I first came to live with him. But it only makes sense. We St.Bernards grow from puppies to nearly 100 lbs. in our first year of life - that's a lot of growing in such a short time. I still have a long way to go and an ever shortening time to get there...LOL!

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