Monday, August 15, 2011


Yes, I'm pregnant! Those of you coming here to see pictures and videos of the little scamps, keep checking back - I expect to whelp around the end of September, early October. That's when the pictures and videos will be posted.

That also means they'll be ready to go home to new owners just in time for the holidays!

Sire is Hook Rebel Prince of The Caspian C., AKC #WS31835703 of Saints4Life kennel in Beaver City, Nebraska. That's him on the left - isn't he handsome!?! >blush<

I'm the damme, Tracy’s Cocoa-Belle, AKC #WS30821601, from Westminster, Colorado.

If you don't already know how to reach my human, Kevin, for questions or to reserve a pup, leave a comment here expressing your interest and he'll email you.